Cub Scouts

Who are we and What do we do?

The aim of Scouting is to encourage the physical, social, intellectual, spiritual and emotional development of young people so that they can take a constructive place in society as responsible citizens. 

How do we achieve this?

Below is a sample of some of the activities our Cubs enjoy over the course of a year:

Weekly Meetings

Meetings in the Hall include:

Meetings out of the Hall include:

Our Cub Scouts meet Monday nights and Wednesday nights from 6:45pm – 8.15pm. See the calendar of Coming Events for details of what's on. 

District Activities:

Community Service Activities:

Sleepovers in the Hall:

Camping Opportunities:

The Badge and Award Scheme:

Cubs have the opportunity to earn badges which they can proudly display on their uniform. There are two main categories of badges:


How Much Does it Cost?


Our Cubs are proud to wear their uniform which gives them recognition and respect within the Community.

Who's it for?

The Cub Scout section is for boys and girls aged 8 to 11 years old. 

Would you like to join us?

Contact Us if you're interested in Cubs and would like to come along on a Monday or Wednesday night to have a look.

A new member will normally try out for at least 3-4 weeks before they are invested and put into uniform. A new member must complete the Prospective Youth Member form prior to commencing.