The Scout Section
What is the Scout section all about?
The Scout section focuses on individuals and small groups exploring many areas of interest and starting to identify and refine their choice of activities, experiences and events. As Scouts, you are trying new things, developing deeper friendships and furthering leadership skill development.
The program is developed based on the four Challenge Areas – Community, Creative, Outdoor and Personal Growth. Through these, you should experience a wide range of opportunities. The Challenge Areas are also key to supporting your growth and achievement. They link in to the Program Essentials Milestones part of the Achievement Pathways.
The Program Essentials cover the core Scouting experience. You will complete the Program Essentials through attendance and active participation in the Scout Program. They are your core experience in Scouting;
Introduction to Scouting (if not completed in an earlier section)
Introduction to the Scout Section
Milestone achievements through participating in, assisting with and leading activities based on the four Challenge Areas
The program may operate for the whole Unit, or it may be focused on individual Patrols. No matter which, all Scouts will be involved in the activities of the Unit through either their Patrol or whole Unit adventures. Activities will often occur in patrols, and the tracking and recording of Milestones and achievements is primarily managed through the Patrol. Each Scouting activity might pose a new or different challenge for each Scout, and it is the involvement and contribution during these times that will guide the achievement and presentation of Milestones.
The Achievement Pathways will help you get the most out of Scouting. If you follow the Achievement Pathways your Scouting journey will be fun, challenging, adventurous, and inclusive.