Achievement Pathways Elements
The Achievement Pathways will help you get the most out of Scouting. If you follow the Achievement Pathways your Scouting journey will be fun, challenging, adventurous, and inclusive.
The Achievement Pathway elements are:
Program Essentials
Outdoor Adventure Skills
Special Interest Areas
The Peak Award
Program Essentials
The Program Essentials cover the core Scouting experience. You will complete the Program Essentials through attendance and active participation in the Scout Program. They are your core experience in Scouting;
Introduction to Scouting (if not completed in an earlier section)
Introduction to the Scout Section
Milestone achievements through participating in, assisting with and leading activities based on the four Challenge Areas
The Program Essentials have been designed to be completed through attendance and active participation. They are the regular Scouting program, and should not be treated as stand-alone items.
Milestone One
Milestone Two
Milestone Three
Outdoor Adventure Skills
These are activities which enable you to learn and undertake new adventurous activity skills and develop existing skills. You progress through these stages at your own pace.
The Outdoor Adventure Skills are:
Core Skills: Bushcraft, Bushwalking and Camping
Specialist Skills: Alpine, Aquatics, Boating, Cycling, Paddling and Vertical.
Special Interest Areas
You choose activity or project ideas that interest you, and set your own goals using Plan>Do>Review>!
The different Special Interest Areas are:
Adventure & Sport
Art & Literature
Creating a Better World
Growth & Development
STEM & Innovation
The Peak Award
Your final achievement as a Scout before you move up to Venturer Scouts, might be the Australian Scout Award. This is the Peak Award for Scouts.
To achieve the Peak Award you need to:
Achieve Milestone 3 in the Program Essentials.
Complete Stage 5 for Bushwalking, Bushcraft and Camping Outdoor Adventure Skills.
Achieve 10 stage progressions (total) in the Outdoor Adventure Skills across any of the skills.
Complete 6 Special Interest Area activities, each totalling at least 8 hours, across at least 3 of the Special Interest Areas.
Plan and lead an adventurous journey of at least 3 days, 2 nights duration.
Complete a leadership or personal development course.
Complete a personal reflection on your Scouting journey through the Scout section. This can be supported by adult Leaders, Patrol Leaders and with other Scouts.