
What is Operoo?

Operoo (formerly known as CareMonkey) is an online form platform that gives authorised carers instant access to important medical and consent details in an emergency on mobile devices.

We use Operoo as a permission form every time we have an activity that takes us away from the hall.

Operoo is managed by parents/guardians, so you are responsible for keeping the information up to date and all data is controlled by you. This information will only be accessed by relevant Scouting personnel.

Only one parent/guardian can be the owner (and/or creator) of a Scout’s Operoo profile. Please note that the owner of the Operoo profile must be a parent or guardian, not the Scout.

An Operoo profile can be shared to another parent/guardian once created. See below for instructions.

Why Operoo?

Operoo provides a number of benefits both for parents and leaders:

How do I get Operoo?

Operoo can be accessed via an app you download to your iPad, iPhone or Android smartphone. It is also available via a browser on your computer. All of this at no cost to you.

How do I share a profile with another parent/guardian?

An Operoo profile owner/creator can give another person (i.e. a second parent/guardian) ‘View Only’ or ‘View and Modify’ access. 

For more details see https://support.operoo.com/hc/en-us/articles/16214439171988-How-does-a-User-Share-a-Profile-with-a-Second-Parent-or-Carer-Community-Edition.

How do I transfer ownership of a profile?

When a Venturer or Rover turns 18, the ownership of the Operoo profile should be transferred from the parent to the youth member.

For more details see https://support.operoo.com/hc/en-us/articles/16214398794772-How-does-a-User-transfer-the-ownership-of-a-profile-Community-Edition.

See also:

Operoo Frequently Asked Questions for more questions and answers.