New Cubs
New Cubs have a few weeks to see if they do want to join. We invite new Cubs and their parents to join in for a couple of weeks to make sure they have fun.
Once everyone is sure we present a new Cub with a white Scarf. Read the White Scarf history to understand why we do this ceremony.
Over a six week period we introduce new Cubs to the framework of Cub Scouts and provide them with the traditions of Scouting. They will have to learn and live the Scout Law and Scout Promise and know and understand about our jungle names and jungle ways.
Then at a ceremony either at a normal Cub meeting or a camp or during an interesting activity we invest the new Cub into the Unit.
Parents are required to purchase a Cub Uniform before a Cub can be invested. The group will present new cubs with all the badges which will need to be sewn to the uniform as well as the Group's Scarf.
We require a form to be filled in before the first night. This gives us some details of you and covers us for insurance. If you decide after a few weeks that you'd like to join, then we organise for your registration as a Cub to be processed. You can also see the Youth Membership Form on our Prospective Youth Members page.
Would you like to join us ...
For enquiries about joining our Cub Unit, becoming a Leader, joining the Committee, or other Sections of our Group, please contact us using the form provided.
If you're interested in Cubs, the Group Leader will arrange for you to come along for a look.